Babies On The Blockchain

The year is 2099. Due to a cosmic collision of a rouge planet and earth, all men and women lost their abilities to reproduce. Men and women on earth have tried and failed to have a baby for many years and the clock is ticking towards the end of humanity.
There is a young man named Evan. He was a champion racecar driver, but suffered a memory loss during a race car accident. Since then, he discontinued professional racing and focused on sword-fighting.
As the world’s population declines, the world is regressing back to tribal states. Coincidentally, an opportunistic dictator emerges, named Xuric. He is able to re-architect a social order. Love out of free will is forbidden. All women are assigned to men, based on the order of Xuric’s political ambitions as well as favors that he wishes to give to his subordinates. He also has destroyed all the central records and books known to the human race.
Legend goes that there are many frozen human eggs, embryos and sperm somewhere, but no one knows exactly where, because the central ledger was destroyed.
As Evan travels around the world and continues his sword fighting practice, he encounters something called Eggschain, which was a form of ancient blockchain. Since all digital communications have been forbidden, Evan has not heard of it before. However, the legend relates that the blockchain is immutable and cannot be altered.
As humanity continues to decline in front of Evan’s eyes, he is dismayed, until he meets a woman named Kathy. Kathy knows the ancient art of mind-reading and magic. She not only can see the future, but also can fight off evil forces using her powers.
Kathy was the one who told Evan about Eggschain. These two set out on a journey to save the earth and humanity. They are determined to find all the nodes upon which blockchain was once built, and recover the eggs, sperm and embryos.
Soon, Xuric gets wind of Evan and Kathy and starts hunting them all over the earth. He starts spreading the message that no embryos, human eggs or sperm ever existed and nobody can prove him wrong. He also denies the existence of the field of reproductive medicine.
Evan and Kathy recruit 5 men and 5 women on their quest to save humanity. Some of the new recruits were descendent of a lost art called reproductive medicine, were called embryologists and REIs. They have some tribal knowledge based on what their grandmothers and grandfathers told them, including an ancient art called IVF.
Evan and Kathy realize that the blockchain can save humanity since it can pinpoint the last known location of the lost sperm, eggs and embryos. They are also able to use their racecar driving skills and magical powers along the way, in order to fight off Xuric’s attempt to hurt or even kill them.
Through the help of the other 5 men (now called Gents) and 5 women (now called Goddesses), they are able to identify the cryptographic hashes on the blockchain and uncover the last known location of the human reproductive specimens.
All the sperm, eggs and embryos are able to be returned to wombs of women on earth, and babies are once again being born using reproductive medicine. With the help of the Gents and Goddesses, sperm can now be inserted into the eggs and even more babies are born.
Since the cosmic radiation did not affect the eggs, sperm and embryos, and since they were frozen in specialized made liquid nitrogen tanks, the babies on the blockchain were able to reproduce and save humanity.
The people rise against Xuric and his lies, and he is scared to death that humans can reproduce again. Evan was able to drive his car to the location of Xuric and challenges him to a car race. Xuric loses control of his race car and is killed.
Evan and Kathy are able to save humanity and have babies on their own. Eggschain allows women and men to love freely and naturally again.