
The Eggs That Push Waves to The Shore!

Eggschain Team

Prior to undergoing egg banking or In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), many people have questions about what they might experience during the process.  Routinely, hormones are injected for the purpose of stimulating egg production either for collection of the eggs for freezing to better control timing of pregnancy or for proceeding with Read more…


The Eggs That Poke!

Eggschain Team

The objective of writing this article is to illustrate one of the many interesting aspects of egg-freezing and/or In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In this article, we will focus on the unusual sensations certain women might feel during the last 36 hours prior to the extraction, or retrieval, of eggs from the Read more…


1 is enough.  (An Optimistic View)

Eggschain Team

1 is enough. For each 1 baby conceived, we only need 1 sperm and 1 egg. Just 1 is enough. No need to worry too much about the sperm count; we just need 1 sperm for fertilization whether at home, via ICSI, or in the fertility lab. No need to Read more…


Poem of Sperm

Eggschain Team

We have more than enough. This video shows a sample of human sperm in motion. The objective of showing this video is to share how real sperm move. Sperm are fun and amazing. They have places to go and a job to do. This sample of sperm is neither good Read more…